A time-lapse is a technique used in photography to show a sequence of images taken at fixed intervals over a period of time. It can be used to show the progress of a long journey, the growth of a plant, the changing of the seasons, or the construction of a building.
Time-lapses can be created with a digital camera, a video camera, or a smartphone. To create a time-lapse with a digital camera, you need a tripod and a cable release. To create a time-lapse with a video camera, you need a tripod and a means of transferring the images to a computer. To create a time-lapse with a smartphone, you need an app that will allow you to set the interval between shots.
The basic steps for creating a time-lapse are,
1. Set up your camera on a tripod and frame the shot.
2. Set the camera to take photos at a fixed interval.
3. Start the time-lapse.
4. Wait for the time-lapse to finish.
5. Export the images to a computer.
6. Create a video using the images.
When creating a time-lapse, it is important to choose a subject that will be interesting to watch. Some good subjects include,
1. The progress of a long journey. The growth of a plant. The changing of the seasons. The construction of a building.